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- home > OUTFITS > Youth Doll(SD : 56cm~60cm) > SD - Rallala Dress (White)
- Product Classification List
SD - Rallala Dress (White)
- Consumer Price
27.00USD - Sales Price
18.00USD - Mileage
- 0.18USD
- Weight
- 0.10 Kg
- Event Price
- 12.60USD 30% OFF for SD Doll Outfit
- Special Note
- * Composition: One-piece dress
Total Purchase Amount
가볍고 깔끔한 원피스 드레스입니다.^^
원피스 단품으로 가지고 계신 속치마를 함께 입혀주시면
풍성하고 넓게 퍼지는 스커트가 화사해집니다.^^
깔끔하고 시원스런 멋진 원피스네요.^^
* 구성 : 원피스드레스
* 모델 : 돌모아이브 '차미'(키 : 58cm)
<< SD - Rallala Dress (White) >> There is a halter dress has straps that tie behind the neck. Lace trim, hem and a ribbon on the back give an accent to the outfit. * Model by Dollmore EVE - Chami |